Category server

How Disgusting!

Had this couple come in last night as part of a table of 7. Aside from holding up the table for a good hour before anyone else joined them he was quite rude. He blew his nose in the clean nice white napkin at the table! In a honkin’ fashion to boot! How disgusting! It […]

You’ve Got Some Nerve!

So these two guys walk in and take their table of two. They ask me for two big 9oz glasses of wine so I go get it. I come back with them and they say would it be possible to get a bottle. Well yes Mr. Arshole sure you can. I get them a bottle. […]

The First Quiz Of The Year

I am returning the quiz.. Believe it or not it didn’t attract many visits so depending on how this one turns out I may do it again periodically. 1. Vouvray is a white wine from the Loire Valley near the city of Tours in France. The primary grape is Chenin Blanc but what is the […]

Don’t Talk During This Moment

When the guest is settling the bill it is important not to talk. If you talk while the person is signing the credit card slip or putting their pin number in the debit machine you could actually blow the tip amount the guest might have left. You may say something that could lead them to […]

Stay Home Tonight

About an hour before heading to work tonight the GM calls. It has been snowing all afternoon and the roads were treacherous. I was scheduled to close tonight and it being a Monday night in February didn’t hold much promise it was going to be busy. She says with the commute would I rather just […]

Make’em Laugh

Last night I was delivering some bacon wrapped scallops to a table. As I approached the couple I put it in the centre of the table when the ensuing conversation took place. Her: Oh no that is for my husband. I don’t like seafood.Me: I don’t like seafood either.Her: Oh really.Me: Yes everytime I see […]

A Twist Of Fate – 1993

In 1992 after my first contract on the ships I came back to Canada to take the Cordon Bleu Pastry Course in Ottawa. The course was starting in September and I had managed to procure some affordable accomodation at the YMCA during the three months the course would last. I was working between the Chateau […]

A Book

For some time now I have wanted to start a book about my adventures during 30 years since I took the bartending course back in 1979. But with such a busy household I never really get started. But alas , I have found a way in which I think it will work. You see when […]

A Unique Set-Up

One time I worked at this restaurant in England for a few days when I was with an agency and the tables in the dining room had nothing but the chairs , tablecloth , and salt and pepper on it. Then when the people arrived and we took the order we put all the cutlery […]