Category bartending quiz answers

Answers To The Quiz Earlier In The Day

Here are the answers to this morning’s quiz. 1. A roux is a cooked mixture of equal amounts of flour and butter used to thicken many sauces. 2. Pommes noisettes are small potato balls cut out with a melon baller then lightly fried and browned with butter. A delicious potato I might add. 3. With […]

Tuesday Quiz Answers

Okay you have to admit in comparison to the earlier quizzes this one was not as difficult or was it? Here are the answers. 1. Malibu , of course. 2. The liqueur nicknamed the nectar of the gods is Forbidden Fruit. 3. Advocaat that comes from the Netherlands is the liqueur that goes into the […]

Answers to the Quiz Earlier Today

Okay here it goes. The answers from the quiz earlier today. 1. What also goes into the glass shaker for a Black and Tan cocktail that was not mentioned is 2 measures of Irish Whiskey. 2. Denmark is where Peter invented Cherry Heering. 3. Kummel’s main flavour comes from the caraway seed. 4. For a […]

Quiz Answers Second Instalment

Well I hope you are having some fun as I am doing this. Here are the answers. 1. Grappa is to Italy what Marc is to France. Therefore Marc is the answer. 2. The customary way in which the French drink Marc is to dip a sugar cube in the Marc and suck the spirit […]