Category steve the waiter

A Good Idea Passed On To Me

Saturday night was humming as we did over 600 people with a two hour wait. Friday was not so bad either so the weekends are at least looking up. The gift cards are driving the traffic. On Saturday I had $623 in gift cards out of my $1232 sales so you can see where we […]

5 Tables and That Was It

No need to go in great detail but $83 for a Friday night two weeks before Christmas is not very good at all. Yes I did it in 5 tables but I had one table that sat there for over two hours and left me a tip of $10 on a $75 dollar bill. It […]

Never Give a Guest a Chance to Say No to Dessert

You know how some people upon clearing the table will ask the guest if they would like some dessert. I never do. Instead I just clear the table and then present the dessert menu to them and wait for them to take it , which of course is the natural thing to do when someone […]

The First Time In 10 Years

I got another call from work the following day on my second day off in a row. I called them back this time knowing there was no way I could get into work , unlike the night before when they found someone else by the time I called them back. There is swimming and piano […]

Here is the Quiz

Last week I got a lot of interest in the espagnole sauce. This week I don’t know what will happen but let’s give it a whirl and test your knowledge again. I am going to stay clear of Larousse this week. 1. Omelet Rossini has what two ingredients mixed with the beaten eggs before the […]

A Logical Answer

The other day someone asked me why we don’t serve pasta or vegetarian dishes.My response was that we are a steakhouse. Their reply was I guess you are right , this is a steakhouse. Whenever someone ask you an obvious question give them the logical answer. End of story.