Category waiter blog

My Rant of the Week

To continue the thought I had last week about why the Hospitality Industry may be short of employees I have something else to add. I am not looking at changing or making a move up anywhere. In fact if there is an opportunity to make more money I just need to work more hours at […]

What an Unbelieveable Table I Had Last Night !

It is really slow but I get this 8 top. The people all work for this company so they are out having a celebratory dinner. They order drinks, wine, appetizers, big entrees and dessert. I give them the bill and they leave me a tip of $124. Great I thought. Real happy and a big […]

A Waste of Potential

A couple of posts ago I was mentioning the bar tending course and the lack of registrants that I had in order to make the course a go this semester. There are a lot of people who think bar tending and waiting on tables is a bit below them. That they can walk into any […]

You Will Never Guess What Country Reads Waiterextraordinaire The Most After the United States

A lot of countries have taken the time to read my posts over the years. I appreciate your time for tuning in and putting up with my thoughts on a number of different subjects and ideas on service. To everyone thank you. The answer to the title question is Russia. So spasiba my Russian readers! […]

The Bartending Course

I know I live in a bedroom community where people are too busy to think about taking a bar tending course but for the 2nd consecutive semester no one appears to be registering for the course that I teach. Now I know people are looking for ways to make extra money out there but I […]

Plant More Trees

I was listening to a tape the other day about this person who went on a tree planting job up in Northern Ontario. The job was to last for a month and each person would be responsible for their assigned area to plant as many trees as they could. They would get paid 3 cents […]

NHL Owners of Hockey Teams versus the Players

As a Canadian you cannot help but watch the lockout of the National Hockey League season and what is reported today that some settlement has been reached and we may get a season albeit a short one after all. I for one couldn’t care less whether the season began or not. I don’t buy tickets, […]

A Big Move and a Long Flight – Chapter 39

As some of you might know I have been writing my story since last March and now I am on Chapter 39 nearing the end of this long memoir detailing some of the crazy things I got myself in. So just for fun rather than have people sign up for the email sent out each […]

The Best Fireworks Display in the World

Fireworks in Iceland    Click on the fireworks in Iceland for the link  to see some awesome fireworks from Iceland. This is no symphony of fire or some controlled fireworks in some park. This scene is just a tad of what you would see if you were there in person. Everyone lights them up. Happy New […]

Two People Working Are Better Than One

Well the results are in for 2012. I am off tomorrow night and the wife is off tomorrow having finished off her week shift today before the holiday. Our income was higher than the year before by just under $4000. I made less but she made more which makes sense since the previous year she […]