Category restaurant management blog waiterextraordinaire

Here is What You Should Do If You Don’t Feel Like Working

Here it goes , I heard this before and heard it again today so I just wanted to pass this along. My wife and I celebrate 15 years of matrimony today. Can’t believe how the time flies. Here is the quote, “Act the way you want to feel and soon you’ll feel the way you […]

A Raspberry Chocolate Martini

Here is that Raspberry Chocolate Martini you want to treat your friends and family to during Christmas. Click on the title to get the ingredients.

Pair Wines with People on Your Holiday Gift List

Here is Natalie Maclean’s newsletter for December 9th. As they will be coming in every couple of weeks I will post them at that time so everyone can enjoy reading about some wines and increase their knowledge of them. Natalie has a book out as well which would make a great Christmas gift to the […]

Natalie Maclean Newsletter on Wine

I have been meaning to forward this along for about a week now but here is a great newsletter that Natalie Maclean puts out every couple of weeks. Have a look and read up on some great articles and wine reviews. Click on the title for the link.

How About a Waiter Reality Show?

Click on the title for the number to call tomorrow night between 8-9PM. Should be a hoot talking with people out there. What do you think? Is a waiter reality show a reality or would it just be a dud? How would you like to see it done if there was one?

Waiter Nightmares

The other night I had the great opportunity of being filmed in action with sound bytes throughout the service ending with a 25 minute interview afterwards. It is all part of a customer service documentary that will be aired in the Fall on the Canadian Broadcasting Network on the show DocZone. Now there will be […]

One Week To Go

I am on the phone for the final stretch to drum up a few more $$ to help fund prostate cancer research. My goal is $200 and I am $95 dollars short so I am reaching out for some people to donate.For those of you who have given we thank you and for those of […]

I Learned Something Last Week

When you put Vodka and Ice Tea together to make a highball it is called an Icepick. I didn’t know that…

An informative Blog About Wines

A good post on the Sylvaner Grape Variety from the winerules blog from a chap in England. Take a peek by clicking on the title.

Portugal and Port Wine

A great post by Carol Duff on Portugal and port wine. Just click on the title for the article.