Category doczone

Tonight at 9

The channel is CBC on a show called the Doc Zone at 9PM EDT or wherever else you are in Canada check your local listings. I have no idea what small part I play in the customer service documentary. All I do know is I appear in the first half hour. I will see what […]

Here is the Write-Up Preview of the Customer Service Documentary I Played a Small Role

Here is a shot of me when I took part in the service documentary. I haven’t seen it but I understand I am on the 19th minute of the show. My appearance is not very long. Waiterrant is also on it and that is what the reference to the blog in the preview is all […]

Waiter Nightmares

The other night I had the great opportunity of being filmed in action with sound bytes throughout the service ending with a 25 minute interview afterwards. It is all part of a customer service documentary that will be aired in the Fall on the Canadian Broadcasting Network on the show DocZone. Now there will be […]