Category restaurant management blog waiterextraordinaire

Gotta Love Gift Cards

The place was packed tonight. Must have been a 2 hour wait , longer than anytime the past couple of months. Nice tips and I guess there were a lot of gift cards under the tree cause everyone had one. Didn’t hurt the average cheque as people were eating like kings tonight. People are still […]

Side Plate Removal

It is not uncommon while the guests are eating their main course during a banquet dinner to start clearing the side plates and bread baskets off the table. Now what a lot of waiters do at our place is if the guests have ate all their bread and there is none left we will move […]

Not Busy Yet and It Is The Quiz Already

Today I am off to the dentist to see about a tooth or two that needs fixing. Not one of my most favourite things to do. I have been off the last two nights and have been thoroughly enjoying it. Nine more nights I work before Christmas and to be honest it hasn’t really even […]

How Do You Clear Your Table Where You Work?

Now the standard procedure for fine dining is to wait for everyone to finish eating before you begin to clear the dirty plates away off the table. But as most often the case in fine dining you have a busser or someone else to help you clear off those big tables. That busser or food […]

You Sir Are a Wimp!

You know there is one thing that I do not like and that is when there is a guy and a girl sitting at a table and the guy is listening to the girl letting her tell him what he should eat. She begins by asking him do you want this or this or would […]

You Gotta Like It When This Happens

Had a table with 3 kids meals and 4 adult meals and they had quite a bit to eat. Gave them the good service and the bill came to a paltry $181 which for 7 people is quite inexpensive. The lady pays with her debit and leaves me $14. I moan a bit cause I […]