Category restaurant management blog waiterextraordinaire

Baileys Chocolatini

For all you Baileys lovers out there this one looks real tasty. From behind the burner dot com here is the recipe. Click the title and have your pen and paper ready.

The Unicorn

This drink is a doozy. You want to make sure someone is driving you home after this one. The garnish I think you must go to Toys R Us just to purchase. Click the title for the recipe.

Ten Things You May Not Know About Wine

Belinda Jackson’s blog has an interesting post on her informative wine blog. Check it out by clicking the title.

While There is Still a Chance Book Your 6 Million Dollar Suite Now

PR Newswire wants you to know that a weekend 6 million dollar suite is still available at the Boston Taj and you can help out the Boston Conservatory at the same time. Click the title for more details. I am checking my balance on my credit cards…….

Ben MacPhee-Sigurdson of the Winnipeg Free Press on Okanagan Wines of British Columbia

Here is a nice write up on how wines from the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia are measuring up to other wines around the world. The weather in this part of Canada is similar and for that matter hotter than some spots in California. I lived not far from Penticton for a while back in […]

How Disgusting!

Had this couple come in last night as part of a table of 7. Aside from holding up the table for a good hour before anyone else joined them he was quite rude. He blew his nose in the clean nice white napkin at the table! In a honkin’ fashion to boot! How disgusting! It […]

Don’t Talk During This Moment

When the guest is settling the bill it is important not to talk. If you talk while the person is signing the credit card slip or putting their pin number in the debit machine you could actually blow the tip amount the guest might have left. You may say something that could lead them to […]

Make’em Laugh

Last night I was delivering some bacon wrapped scallops to a table. As I approached the couple I put it in the centre of the table when the ensuing conversation took place. Her: Oh no that is for my husband. I don’t like seafood.Me: I don’t like seafood either.Her: Oh really.Me: Yes everytime I see […]

I Hope She Dumps The Boyfriend

Tonight I am serving this young couple when the guy finishes ahead of her and ask me to pack the leftovers for him. She hasn’t yet finished but he doesn’t seem to care so I pack up his leftovers. Normally I let them pack it but it was slow so what the heck. He had […]

Why I Cannot Be a Dining Room Manager

An opening has just come up for a dining room manager just 8 minutes from our place. It has an extensive wine list , nice white tablecloths , people with some money eat there etc.. But I wouldn’t even apply for it now whereas one time I might have. You see the hours I would […]