Scotland 1995

Between contracts on the ship I always managed to get away to somewhere so it was 3 weeks in July I was touring around the British Isles. I was seeing this time around Scotland , Ireland , and Wales.

I had a Brit Rail pass and if you want to know something I used it a lot more times than I should have. When the conductor walked by me on the coach I would just wave the pass at him and murmur Britrail pass and he would not punch in the trip on the voucher. You see the pass I bought was for about 10 train rides but this method I think I used it for 15 to 20 freebies. So it was money well spent and saved too. Try it and you may have the same sleepy conductors I had.

Anyway out of the three countries , the one I found the most picturesque was Scotland and the only reason for that aside from the beautiful rolling hills and scenery was I have never till this day have seen as green grass anywhere. The weather probably had a lot to do with it as there always seemed to be a mist rolling in and the lambs would be grazing on this green grass. From the train window it was beautiful.

I didn’t care much for the cities of Scotland so when I headed out to the West Coast to Oban and Maillag with a ferry ride to the Isle of Skye man it was just so peaceful and serene. No big pressure living there that was for sure. When it rained too there didn’t seem to be a downpour like one gets used to living where I am. The weather with it’s lack of humidity was probably the reason why and it’s close proximity to the sea.

In Ireland went to places like Galway and saw the steep Cliffs of Moher. I went to Dublin and also on the way back went to Cardiff in Wales as well.

But Scotland and it’s green grass and rolling hills really did it for me on this trip. Scenery is what I like I suppose.

If you get a chance take a train through Scotland to places like Oban. Don’t forget to try some Scotch whiskey while you are there too.


  1. thank you for your words the other day……all the comments meant a lot

  2. are more than welcome.

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