How I Handled Someone Who Had A Bit Too Much To Drink

Thank you everyone who took a moment to tell me what you like to see and what I can do better. Judging by the results , the Bartending segment on Tuesdays did not get a single vote so I will switch Tuesdays to something that may be better for the reader and maybe not so dry.

So today I start off with something related to drinking and that is what do you do when you get someone at your table who has had a bit already at the bar while waiting and who knows where else beforehand? Here is an example that took place to me on Saturday.

I get this table of 4 and naturally as any waiter does gave each of them a look upon saying hello. I could tell right there that these people with beers in front of them brought over from the bar were well on their way. Two couples , both men ordered another beer while one of the women ordered a tea. The other woman was going to order another beer but stopped herself and said ,”no I better not” , listening to the advice of her girlfriend beside her. She had water instead. A very responsible decision since she realized her husband was not going to be in any shape to drive home later.

I get their food order and except for quality checks I mention nothing of asking if they would like a beer. I made them just have that one beer before they ordered the meal.

It is a waiter’s duty to see if someone has had to much too drink to do whatever they can to avoid getting into a situation where that person can order another. So all I did was fill up their water and clear their plates. I could tell the one guy especially was beginning to sober up after his appetizer and steak which was a good thing.

So here comes time for dessert. I present the menu and the lady who was drinking water orders a tea like her friend did earlier and the younger guy orders a coffee. Then the guy I was really worried about orders a Guinness. I leave them with the dessert menus and I am thinking and feeling that table did not want that guy to order another beer. He was the worst of the lot.

Here is what I did. I come back with the tea and coffee and decide to just pretend I didn’t hear the beer order. I ask them if they would like any dessert to which they all shook their heads and said “no”. I reply , “well I guess that will be it then.”

The ladies smile , the one guy who had the coffee nods in agreement and the guy who ordered the Guinness agrees that will be all. I could sense a bit of relief coming back from the others.

I present them with the bill and the total comes to $212. A few minutes later , as they are chatting , the guy who did not order the Guinness finds me to pay by debit.

I say to him , ” everybody is okay…” and he says everyone is fine. He tipped me $60.

I think he tipped me on how I handled the whole thing. My concern was evident from the outset and the deliberate forgetting I ever heard of a Guinness being ordered at the end was well timed.

Sometimes you really can show concern and make a right call by pretending you never heard someone order a drink. It could save their life and your reputation.


  1. In a way, its amazing that liquor is not outlawed from being consumed outside your home.Stuff makes people fall down, crash into buildings and anyone that drives home and actually makes it is a lucky bastard.I like what you did here, very subtle, very smart.

  2. Bulletholes…we have a lot of responsibility when you think of it.You have to make a call for people sometimes.It is for everyone’s own good.

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