Early Cuts Can Make a Difference

It was a snowy day in these parts. The same system that had hit a lot of the States already made it’s way up here last night and continued most of the day today.

When I left for work at 5PM it was still coming down and the roads were not good.

Walked into work and waited a good half hour before getting a table. Then I got this 4 top that was very nice. Then I was given a 7 and another 7 that was originally in my section that had reservations but arrived a good hour late. It was not a big deal though as it was slow.

Finally I was given a family of 4 that were very nice and that was it.

If they hadn’t cut some people earlier I might not have had anything.

As it turned out after my tip out I walked out of there with $130.

Yes you could say the 4 tables I had were excellent. Sometimes you have to have some luck on your side in this business.

Especially on a slow night…


  1. That's not luck – that's Waiter Extraordinaire! :)Nicely done Steve. Must have been a great feeling.

  2. SkippyMom…no it is luck. Believe me I could have given the same service to 4 other tables and got away with 10%. The difference was I showed up while others phoned in and said they couldn't make it. That I had some control over. That I showed up and had to drive the furthest of anyone made the night a huge success with the money I made. That was the great feeling afterwards you mention.

  3. Yes, even very skilled servers sometimes just have to deal with luck of the draw when it comes to their customers. A great example was last night, where in my section I had a table of 3 women, and another of 4 men. Both had similar bill totals, had no complaints, and of course received the same quality of service from me. However, when it came time to pay, the table of women stiffed me completely, while the men tipped nearly 40% of their bill. Odd!

  4. kit_kat_74… Crazy how that works. Your average came to 20% which is still great. It just comes down to the law of averages nearly all the time.

  5. Like I said – not luck. You showed up. The others didn't – you made and "extra ordinary" choice in poor weather they didn't make.Don't argue with an old woman. I have a cane. I will use it. giggle ;D

  6. SkippyMom…you are right there and I am not going to argue with you. lol

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