Quiz Answers

Well here are the answers. Listen if you thought I was a bit nuts for doing this at least we learned something even though we probably have never seen or heard of these before. I will try to do something like this for a little while on Tuesdays to have some fun. I think for sure the Midori for me was the easiest. If you haven’t seen the earlier post with the questions you will have to go back and check it out.

1. Heather honey was the other common ingredient.

2. Greece and the island best known for it is Corfu.

3. Green is the color.

4. Israel.

5. Brazil.

Hope you enjoyed it!


  1. yeah got them…..hee hee hee

  2. Manuel..did ya? You are a wise waiter no question. Unless I misunderstood the hee hee..Hmmm???

  3. Yeah, that was fun and I even got three right! just think if I cheated!

  4. Bulletholes..yeah you are good! Everyone did good. Maybe next time I will do it in French. Ha

  5. Bulletholes…mais oui!

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