Dubai – 1994

Only one overnight did I spend in Dubai while I was on the ships but that one night out a whole bunch of us went to where the bars and nightlife were.

You’d think we were in a western country not in a country where we think only dessert and camels exist. High rise office buildings , plush hotels , and so many westerners from Europe and North America you felt right at home when you walked around.

Very clean and friendly the service wherever you went was impeccable and there were no signs of poverty anywhere.

Many of us got back to the ship very late and we were in rough shape to get up for breakfast the next day. In fact the pool deck waiter never made it up for 5 AM as he was puking all over the place.

I did a lot of bar hopping that night but I will say that I saw who is probably the greatest Joe Cocker impersonator ever in one of the bars. He was so good in fact that he not only had his voice but looked exactly like him. I swore it was him until someone straightened me out.

Nowadays Dubai is one of the places on Earth where business is booming with construction cranes everywhere. Hotel work is abundant and they are always looking for foreigners to work there. The only thing about that though is you are paid in the local currency so when you did come back to North America the exchange would hurt quite a lot.

I am a bit beyond having an adventure but turn back the clock 25 years and I might want to check it out and see what it is like by working there.

Right now I will just settle for an action packed overnight on a ship , that’s good enough for me.

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