Monthly Archives: December 2008

A Valuable Lesson Learned

So on we go continuing to move up the ladder of the bartending trade when I left you last Monday working at a fine spot as a Head Bartender called the Credit Valley Golf Club where I was hired by the Food and Beverage Manager who was the husband of someone with whom I worked […]

So Where Does All The Money Go?

This month has been different to say the least and I am actually enjoying it. You see I only work evenings and no lunches. Now you may think I am losing money on the deal and I have to admit I am but the one big thing that is different is I get a chance […]

I Am Gone On My Day Off

Last Saturday was rather busy and I noticed that a waiter had come in to dine on their day off. I have always praticed not to go anywhere near where I work during my days off. Always been like that especially when I started bartending. Never fraternize with your guests , besides hasn’t anyone got […]


When you think of Rioja wines from Spain this grape variety comes to mind right away. It is the major grape variety in Rioja wines blended with Grenacha ( Grenache ) , Mazuelo , and Graciano. The latter being the most important because it makes the Rioja long lived , aromatic , and a delicate […]

Hedonism – Negril Jamaica 1985

Travel day today takes us to Negril , Jamaica where for one week it was party , party , party. I had 3 weeks off in July from work and it had been a little too long since I treated myself to a nice top notch vacation. Beginning around the early to mid – eighties […]

Eaux de Vies

So just to throw a wrench into the cocktail portion of the week I am going to talk about eaux de vies which you will find stowed away somewhere probably where your dry sherries and juices are found depending on how big your fridge is. Eaux de Vies when translated mean water of life and […]

Don’t Kid Yourself – It’s Who You Know

So there I was working at the Holiday Inn Roofgarden Restaurant where I was learning all the tricks of the trade as a service bartender serving drinks to seasoned veterans of the waitering profession. Without my car and bussing it to work I longed for my car back in Montreal which was supposed to be […]

Is It The Desire to Look Good or Greed or Both

Last night was busy. Our policy in the restaurant is not to take any reservations on Friday and Saturday night. I have a very small section as there are a lot of servers on so I get a 3 top and the other tables are joined together to make an 8 top. Some people are […]

Managers and Long Hours are for Single People

Lately at work there has been a few changes. Last week our GM left after working in the same spot for 7 years. It wasn’t his choice as the head office required him at another restaurant located an hour away cause they needed help there. I think if he had a choice he would have […]


I bought a bottle of Chianti Classico a few days ago so this week why not talk about a grape variety where , except for a few plantings in California where the finished product is varily expensive and Argentina who are experimenting with it as well , Italy is it’s home. At least one time […]