London England on New Year’s Eve

A couple of times I have had the opportunity of living in England and on one occasion spending New Year’s Eve right in the heart of London. What an experience! What more could one ask for than spending New Year’s right in the heart of one of the world’s most exciting cities.

With so many bars in London to choose from though I had a hard time deciding on where to celebrate.

I wanted to go where there was one nightclub after another so if I went to one and checked it out and didn’t like it the next club would be next door. I chose the Soho district right in the heart of London.

Soho is where you find everything. Swanky restaurants, classy bars to sip your favourite cocktail , and nightclubs that cater to the person who wants to dance their feet off till the wee hours of the morning.

As I was travelling on my own and was on a budget I was real happy to discover there were places to eat that wasn’t going to break my wallet. I wanted to make sure that I had a good base for what to was follow. So I did what anyone else on a budget would have done and gobbled down some Fish and Chips English Style wrapped in the newspaper of course.

Then I hit the bars. One after another I went in and had a pint or shot and mingled with all the people. A lot were tourists like myself having a good time. As the evening went on and the magic hour of midnight approached I wanted to make sure I was dancing with someone so I entered one of the clubs there and made sure I was near the prettiest girl when the clock struck twelve. I was lucky cause that is what happened.

The merriment on the streets lasted all night and I didn’t get back to my place till around five o’clock.

I was awake quick the next morning though as I had bought a ticket to see the Strauss New Year’s Day celebration at the Barbican Hall. Something I always wanted to see in person since watching it on television narrated by Walter Cronkite for so many years.

Finally I have to say if you ever get a chance spend a night out in London no matter what area you choose. It will be unforgettable I promise you that.

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