It’s Started

Last night at work was busy and now I feel that the Season is upon us. It was the busiest Friday in a few weeks. The people were drinking more , eating more , conversing more , and the tables were bigger than usual. My average cheque was higher so I made good money without having to do 40 covers.

So here it comes , Monday is December 1st thus the beginning of the work as much as you can to make as much as you can period.

To all my fellow waiters out there have fun and I will post definitely Monday – Thursday for sure but on the weekends just maybe unless there is something of some interest I will just be busy getting ready for Christmas and playing with the kids.

Thank you for all your input and comments. I enjoy this blogging very much.


  1. yeah I wont be doing any weekend posts for the foreseeable few weeks…….we had a mighty weekend……great food, better guests and awesome money…..tis the season to be jolly/sore/tired/hungry…..but worth it… dad is a chef but retired a few years now, the only part of the year that he misses is christmas, it’s a buzz that’s for sure…..

  2. thanks for all the good reads, Steven. Glad you enjoy and so do we…have a peaceful holiday season, make some money, and enjoy the kids… and remember that the children are our hope for the future…. as scary as that might be sometimes… :)mtw

  3. p.s. your title, “It’s started” sounds like something straight out of Poltergeist (the movie)….THEY’RE HEEEERE….later, mtw

  4. Manuel…it is worth it.People happy and tipping well.The adrenaline really gets going this time of year.Mike….for sure this time around with this job I actually have some time off to see them while enjoying work and home at the same time leading up to Xmas.You have a good holiday season as well.

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